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Day four – Panels, The Main Exhibition and a Trip to the Market October 12, 2008

Posted by GuySoft in Hamakor, ITU.

Hey, today was much more calmer than yesterday (I think if it would have continued like that I would have fainted). In the morning I skiped breakfast and slept another hour (Its a lot when you slept 4).

The joint forum

In the morning we left straight to the conference hall and joined in the “joint forum” with both youth forum members and the central forum. The forum wasn’t special in particular. The main talk seemed to be about how the cellphone platform is making internet access available in developing countries where electricity isn’t always available.

The main display of the exhibition

Today was the first time I got in to the main exhibition of the conference (yesterday we could not go there because of the princess). It looks like any maga-conference you would expect, with hundreds of exhibitors introducing themselves and what they do. I didn’t get the chance to ask questions much because I was late for the next panel. On the way I also had another chat with Keller from OLPC – we had network problems, It seems it happened only with the kind of diverse networks systems at the conference (like https errors), so I expected these are errors their developers don’t come across, I thought he might like to know that.

Trade and finance panel

I reached the panel a little late, and I didn’t completely figure out what everyone was talking about. But I was happy to see Rotem was excited since so far she felt like she was out of place, with all the technological debates.

Going out to the market

At the end of the day we went to one of the local Thai markets. I didn’t really buy much, but it was nice to look around. We stopped for a few shakes that the Thai are really good at. I tasted durian fruit. Its a fruit that is known for its foul smell. You can’t bring one to most hotels. I personally didn’t like it, but some really love it. I personally had a d time to convince people to taste it.

Pictures of the day

We are back again to the popular chapter. And to be honest I noticed there was no photo of Rotem so far. so here is a compensation:

Rotem asking a question in the finance and trading panel

Rotem asking a question in the finance and trading panel

The morning joint forum, this is the youths side

The morning joint forum, this is the youth's side


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